Agricultural Research and Development Institute (ARDI) Fundulea is the new name, starting with first January 2003, of the Research Institute for Cereal and Industrial Crops, founded in 1962 by joining of Research Institute for Maize Crop (founded in 1957) with the Field Crops Department of Romanian Agricultural Research Institute (founded in 1927).
Since 2006, the name is: National Agricultural Research and Development Institute (NARDI).
Research and technical staff
General Director: Ph. D., eng. Pompiliu Mustățea
Scientific Director: Ph. D., eng. Elena Petcu
Chief of Development Department: Eng. Gheorghe Serban
Chief accountant: Ec. Gabriela Barbu
Institute address
915200 Fundulea, 1 Nicolae Titulescu street, Călăraşi County, ROMANIA Phone numbers: (40)21 315 08 05, (40)242 642 080; (40)722 386 223 (Telephone exchange)
Phone: 021 315 40 40 (General Director)
Phone/Fax: (40)242 642 044; (40)21 311 07 22
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Geographic location
NARDI Fundulea is situated in the South-East of Fundulea town, near Bucureşti – Constanţa highroad, very close to Fundulea railway station: 39 km by train (from „Gara de Est”) and 37 km by car.
Soil and climate conditions
The arable land of NARDI is a part of a transition area between Vlasia and Southern Baragan Plain, along the Mostistea river. Its geografical coordinates are: 44°33' Northern latitude and 24°10' Eastern longitude. The relief is generally flat, having the average altitude of 68 m.
The climate is continental temperate with an average annual temperature of 10°C.
The coldest month is January (average -3,0°C) and the absolute minimum temperature of -26,5°C.
The warmest month is July, with average temperature of 22°C and the absolute maximum temperature of 41°C.
Annual average rainfall is 571 mm, 72 % occuring during growing season, mainly in May-June. Only 35 % of the total annual precipitation falls during summer, having a torrential character.
The frequency of droughty years is high, over 40 %.
Drought periods of 10-14 days are frequent in May-June, and 30 days drought periods occur during early spring and, particularly, late summer.
Winters are generally poor in snow.
Dominant winds are "Crivat" from East and North-East, with a frequency of 20 % and "Austru" from East and North-East, with a frequency of 15 %.