This study aimed to analyze genetic diversity and similarities between 144 potato accessions, composed by hybrid populations 3 created starting from sexual hybridization at the National Institute of Research and Development for Potato and Sugar Beet Brasov (NIRDPSB Brasov) and their genitors, based on the PCR technique and polymorphism generated between potato genotypes, using RAPD primers. 12 RAPD primers were tested, of which only four were chosen for analyses (OPAB 11, OPA 04, OPA 03, OPC 02), based on the polymorphism generated between the studied potato genotypes. These molecular markers were able to identify and amplify DNA fragments specific to each studied genotype. All primers generated a total of 64 DNA amplification products of which 57 where polymorphic ranging between 398 bp and 2124 bp. The highest informative primer based on PIC value was OPC 02. Genetic similarity presented by phylogenetic tree, resulted in six clusters and the value ranges between 15% and 95%, indicating that all genotypes had a high level of similarity, according to their geographical origin and morphological characteristics of the genitors. Also, the screen plot corresponded with PCA is demonstrating this goal.

Keywords: Solanum tuberosum L., breeding, PCR, RAPD molecular markers, identification.