Romanian Agricultural Research

Instructions to Authors


The Journal ROMANIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH is an “open access” one, which publishes original articles, short communications, presenting new scientific results – theoretical, experimental and technical – on plant breeding and genetics, physiology, biotechnology, mineral nutrition and plant protection, in field crops, mainly authored by Romanian scientists. Reviews on up-to date subjects and recent research, preferably from Eastern Europe, may also be published.

Papers reporting field research. Field research should indicate replications in sites and years in connexion to the addressed aims of the experiment(s). In many cases, several years (a minimum of two- three in general) may be required to account for all variations in factors that affect plant growth and development, in particular for those researches dealing with production and yield. The lack of this requirement can be cause of manuscript rejection during the preliminary inspection. Exceptionally, we can accept results for one year if there are several different locations.

Submission of manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted as attachment(s) by e-mail to: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea.

Manuscripts must be written in standard grammatical English on A4 sheet (using margins: left 2.5 cm, top 2.0 cm, right l.5 cm and bottom 1.5 cm). The text must be typed as a Word file, using Times New Roman, font size 12, single-spaced.

• Manuscript should not exceed 12 pages of printed text including figures, tables and references.
• The text will be partitioned by the authors in the following order: TITLE, AUTHORS (names, surnames – not abbreviated, and the address of each author); ABSTRACT (max. 300 words), KEYWORDS (up to 5), ABBREVIATIONS (if necessary), INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS AND METHODS, RESULTS, DISCUSSION (or RESULTS AND DISCUSSION), CONCLUSIONS, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS (if necessary) and REFERENCES.
• The scientific names must be typed in italics (Ex. Triticum aestivum L.).
• The drawings and figures electronically submitted are preferred in „jpg format” and must not exceed 16 x 20 cm; black and white original photos, with high contrast are acceptable.
• The tables must be inserted in the text.
• The text references of tables and figures must be typed between round brackets: (ex.: Figure 1, Table 2).
• The text reference of the cited bibliography must be typed between round brackets (Ex.: Popescu, 2001; Popescu and Marinescu, 2001; Popescu et al., 2002).
• The bibliography references (cited only) should be alphabetically ordered, as follows:
for books: Vrânceanu, A.V., 2000. Floarea-soarelui hibridă (Hybrid sunflower). Edit. Ceres, Bucureşti: 53-61.
for articles: Vrânceanu, A.V., Pîrvu, N., Stoenescu, F.M., 1981. New sunflower downy mildew resistance. Helia, 4: 23-27. Ouyang, J., 1986. Induction of plants in Triticum aestivum. In: Hu, M., Yang, M. (eds.), Haploids of Higher Plant in Vitro. Academic Press, Beijing: 26-41.

The manuscript should be accompanied by a cover letter stating that:
- the manuscript has not been already published, accepted for publication or under editorial review for publication elsewhere and will not be submitted to another journal unless not accepted by this journal;
- the submitting author had sent to each living co-author a draft copy of the manuscript and had obtained the co-author’s assent to co-authorship of it.

Papers that do not meet these rules will be returned to the author(s).

Manuscripts are reviewed by members of the Editorial Board or by qualified reviewers. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject papers or reduce the number of figures, in case they are too many. Observations and suggestions, if any, will be sent to the authors for consideration. A PDF version of the revised papers accepted for publication, processed for printing, will be sent to the authors. Authors should print the manuscript, make final corrections if any on the printed manuscript, sign the manuscript for „ready to printing”, and send both to the Editorial Board, by e-mail to Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea..

For manuscripts accepted for publication in ROMANIAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH are assessed a publication charge of 550 €. This publication charge will be paid by authors before receiving the first review of manuscript, by transfer to a NARDI account. We inform you that your bank commissions are not to be supported by us.

Manuscripts will be published only after receiving the manuscript copy signed for „ready to printing”, and the payment of the publication charge.

Responsibility upon the articles content belongs to the author(s).